KinSight™ Custom Assay Development Services
Our services are designed to address your unique kinase & phosphatase target needs.
A Highly Predictable Process
Custom assay development typically takes 4-8 weeks per milestone and can stop at any time once your needs are met.
Our typical development process is as follows:
- Milestone 1: Screening of subsets of our 30,000+ CSox-based sensor substrate sequences.
- Milestone 2: Optimization of the best substrate sequence identified in Milestone 1. Synthesize and test single substitutions at each position with 16 amino acids.
- Milestone 3: Synthesize and test combinations of favorable substitutions identified in Milestone 2 to identify minimum change that maximizes assay performance.
- Milestone 4 & 5: Perform additional CSox-peptide Library optimization to improve selectivity for analysis of activity in Crude Lysates.
AssayQuant Technologies is continually developing new assays to expand coverage and meet the rapidly changing needs of the marketplace. If we don't have your specific kinase or phosphatase assay, we can custom develop a validated assay to meet your needs.
Older Omnia vs. Newer PhosphoSens (RDF or CSox) Technology format
If you previously used an Omnia Kinase Assay, we can provide any of these Sox-based substrates. Moreover, in most cases, we have improved substrates using the Recognition Domain Focused (RDF) or CSox technology that provide superior performance.
Please inquire to find out how we can provide you with a seamless transition that enables your efforts.

Explore Our Other KinSight™ Services
Quantitative Kinome Profiling Services
Time-Dependent Inhibition Services
Compound Testing Services
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